Roger Slideshow

Monday, May 26, 2008

Dad is scheduled to be discharged today. The latest lab reports are in, and his protein levels have continued to decline, though at a slower rate. Dr. Stadtmauer plans to see Dad again in three weeks, with the expectation that he'll be starting him on a less aggressive oral chemotherapy regimen, basically as maintenance dose to try and preserve the gains Dad's made.

Dad has been coping with various side effects for the past couple of days, but we're grateful that he's been spared some of the worst effects associated with this hardcore chemo, i.e. mouth sores, vomiting, and the like. Nurses from Penn will be visiting him at home this week to take blood and administer transfusions if necessary. His blood cell counts too have been much better than during the initial rounds of this chemo.

Thank you all for persevering in prayer for Dad. We thank God for answering those prayers so mercifully over the past few months.

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