Roger Slideshow

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Latest

Please continue to pray for Dad as he prepares to go in for the last dose of this chemo next week. He has been feeling good overall, but is noticing the cumulative effect of all these chemicals on his body. His skin in particular has been painfully sensitive, and he's been subject to those chills again.

Mom and Dad got the word from Dr. Stadtmauer last week that he wants to proceed with another chemo course immediately following this one. This was somewhat discouraging for them, because they had been hoping that Dad would have a break from treatment, given how well this one has gone. But S-mauer said that because the cancer is now evidently at an advanced, aggressive stage, it is best to keep it back on its heels with continued chemo.

More updates to come. I'm still holding out hope that the old dinosaurs will get up on this thing and give you a firsthand report, so stay tuned. Maybe you can pray for that miracle, too.


Anonymous said...

Oh Andrew, Andrew, Andrew... what did you call your parents????

words and streets said...

thanks for the update. still praying!
allie stryd

Daisy said...

Very funny- Andrew and Nina!