Roger Slideshow

Monday, March 3, 2008

Mom and Dad found out today that the doctors now want to keep them in the hospital at least until Wednesday (that's a de facto "them," as Mom has been living and sleeping there for the past 9 days). The doctors' most immediate concern continues to be Dad's low blood counts, especially the platelet numbers. Because of the recurring and persistent bleeding due to the low platelets, they are considering giving him a blood coagulant, but this would carry with it a risk of life-threatening blood clots. As it is, Dad has required daily, sometimes twice daily, transfusions, and it is hard to see the value in sending him home only to endure trips down to Penn every day, plus the risk of more nosebleeds that won't stop. So Mom and Dad are actually happy to stay put for the time being. Too, Dad's energy level is so low that a long trip home through the cold hardly sounds tempting.

The doctors are also concerned with the state of Dad's immune system as the cumulative effect of the chemo becomes increasingly manifest. (As I understand it, the expectation is that Dad's system will be at its weakest--and he'll feel the worst--about 7 days after the end(?) of the chemo--i.e. this weekend.) Dad has struggled with a low-grade fever for the past few days, and had another rough night last night with chills and sweats. A test for a urinary tract infection came out negative, thankfully; we are waiting for the results of a chest X-ray to check for signs of pneumonia, a particular danger for myeloma patients on chemo. Dad is already on a course of antibiotics as a preventative measure.

So. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors in deciding how to handle the platelet deficiency. Pray that Dad would be safe from blood clots if they decide to go ahead with the blood coagulant; regardless, pray that Dad's platelet count would stabilize and begin to climb. In general, our prayer is that all of Dad's blood counts--red blood cell, platelet, white blood cell--would rise--that is that Dad's body would again begin to make its own blood cells. Pray that Dad would be protected from infection on account of his weakened immune system.

Thanks for checking in.


diane said...

Roger and Karen,

When I have been out for my worship runs recently,(listening and singing to music), I have hit this song (see below)on multiple sunny days and I just belt it out and replay it. Last weekend we were in Western Maryland on a gorgeous lake and on Sunday morning the sun was reflecting off of the ice and snow covered lake. I was singing this one for you both... In thankfulness that God has shone and continues to shine His Light on you and you both shine His Light back at us.
Let Your Light Shine
(Bethany Dillon)

The Calmer of the sea
Here in this room with me
So gently welcoming
The weakest things in me
You are the blood over
The door of my heart
What pain You spared me from
How could I know it all?

Oh wonderful love, You died for me
The power of Your life is in me

Father, let Your light shine down on me
Father, let Your light shine down on me
No matter what the day or night may bring
Father, let Your light shine down on me

Oh Jesus, You became what was my deepest shame
That at Your very name
My calloused heart would change
How could You, oh perfect One
Love me, when I have done nothing that's worthy of
My freedom You have won

Oh wonderful love, You died for me
The power of Your life is in me

Father, let Your light shine down on me
Father, let Your light shine down on me
No matter what the day or night may bring
Father, let Your light shine down on me

Open up the heavens
Poor down Your Spirit
Home me God
Jesus, wherever You lead
I'll sing harmony
Hold me God

Father, let Your light shine down on me
Father, let Your light shine down on me
No matter what the day or night may bring
Father, let Your light shine down on me
Light in the darkness...thank you Jesus.

We love you so much,
Diane for Chuck, Diane, Colton, Brianna, Hudson, Schyler and Haley

Daisy said...

We love you Dad!

stillsmallpoint said...

Roger and Karen,
Nancy and I pray for you daily. We love you guys.
Rick and Nancy

Anonymous said...

I love you all! Please let me know if there's anything I can do. Thanks for the updates!

Love, Mehera

fritz said...

Cher Roger
nou aime à ou .... C'était un rêve pour moi de venir en Amérique et de pouvoir te revoir. Et quand Michou et moi, nous sommes arrivés dans ce grand aéroport de New-York, nous étions complètement perdus... Et voilà que nous avons entendu une voix s'exprimant en créole ... C'était toi !! 20 ans après ton séjour à La Réunion, tu n'avais pas oublié ma langue !!!
Quelle joie de te retrouver et de pouvoir passer ces moments avec vous ... Comme nous avons pu expérimenter ton amour ( merci de votre accueil à Karen et à toi , merci pour la voiture que tu nous a prêtée, merci pour les bons repas typiques américains que tu nous a préparés, .... merci pour ton amour ) .
tu nous avais parlé de tes projets : tu aurais aimé revenir à La Réunion, et nous avons prié pour ça . sans doute que le Seigneur avait un autre plan . Il est Souverain...

Quand nous avons appris ta maladie, nous avons été très tristes et avons prié pour ta guérison ... Là encore, Dieu est souverain.

Nous voulons te dire que cela a été un grand bonheur, une grande joie de te connaître et nous remercions Dieu pour les moments que nous avons passés ensemble à La Réunion d'abord, et aux USA ensuite .

Que Dieu t'aide dans tes souffrances ...

God bless you !!!

In Christ

Fritz and Michou

fritz said...

Cher Roger

mi aime à ou ...

Nous avions rêvé de venir en Amérique et de te revoir . Je me rappelle de notre arrivée dans ce grand aéroport de New-York. Nous étions un peu perdus et soudain nous avons entendu une voix s'exprimant en créole . C'était toi !!!
Après 20 ans, tu n'avais pas oublié ma langue ...

quelle joie de passer ces quelques jours ensemble , de voir que ton coeur n'avait pas changé : tu étais et tu es toujours ce Roger au coeur plein d'amour ...

Merci pour votre accueil à Karen et à toi , merci pour la voiture que vous nous avez prêtée si gentiment, merci pour les plats typiques américains que vous avez préparés avec tant d'amour .

Merci pour votre gentillesse qui nous a mis à l'aise même si nous ne nous étions pas vus depuis si longtemps ..

Tu nous avais confié tes projets : tu aurais aimé revenir servir Dieu à La Réunion . Sans doute en a-t-Il décidé autrement ... Il est souverain .

Quand nous avons appris ta maladie , nous étions très tristes et avons prié pour ta guérison . Là encore, Dieu est souverain.

Nous prions que Dieu t'aide dans ces moments de souffrance .

nous voulons te dire que nous avons été honorés de te connaître et que nous louons Dieu pour les moments que nous avons passés ensemble soit à la Réunion, soit aux USA ..

We love you ...

God bless you ..

Fritz and Michou
Reunion Island

Anonymous said...

Roger and Karen,
We miss you both very much and wish we lived closer to be able to support you in tangible, physical ways. You are much in our thoughts and prayers. May God's presence be very real to you.
All our love,
Phil & Chris Fisher
Gilbert, Arizona