Roger Slideshow

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday April 15

Today Dad got a transfusion because his red blood count went below a certain level.  Also, the doctor feels that his fatigue, fever, and weakness are being caused by the cancer since his protein levels have risen.  This means that the current chemo is no longer working.  He will have a biopsy of his liver either tomorrow or Friday to determine the nature of the questionable spots.   Mom is staying in the room on a cot and going back to the house when she can, to do laundry, shop for supplies and bring in the mail.  

Please continue to uphold both Mom and Dad in your prayers.


Mehera said...

So sorry to hear this news... Please let me know if there's anything I can do. Love you guys!

Becky Wilson said...

Yes, yes, yes. Will pray...and do laundry---anything...whatever would help. Let me know! You have my phone number. Let me bless you,as you have blessed me all these years. Love, Becky

An Ami in Berlin said...

I am praying for you both--this carries much, much love and concern.

words and streets said...

your whole family is on our hearts and in our prayers.
allie s.